2024-25 COP29, George Monbiot, MBC
Saturday, November 16, 2024

When talking on RTÉ on 12th Nov of the need for wise decision-making in COP gatherings, George Monbiot sings the praises of the MBC.  https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/clips/22459433/

"So what we need is... a voting process  -  and there are some very clever voting models, for instance, there is one promoted by the de Borda Institute [the Modified Borda Count MBC]  -  looking at how you can have a voting system which, instead of coming down to these 'yes-or-no' binaries, actually develops far more intelligent and nuanced responses than crude voting can..."  George Monbiot, 12.11.24, on RTÉ.



Article originally appeared on After Jean-Charles de Borda, 1733-99 (http://www.deborda.org/).
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