2012-7: Matrix Vote, in Maynooth, Stormont.

On 23rd June, at the PSAI postgraduate conference in Maynooth, we did another experiment on the matrix vote. The text and power-point presentation are attached, as too is the power-point used to present the results. The full report is on-line at: http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojps/
Six MLAs - David Ford (Alliance), Nelson McCausland (DUP), Steven Agnew (Green Party), Alban Maginness (SDLP), Francie Molloy (SF) and John McCallister (UUP) - sponsored a seminar on the matrix vote in Stormont on Wed 12th Sept 2012, but only two MLAs attended, along with mainly GP activists. See also 2011-6/5.
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