2018-4, Majority/Grand Coalitions

In 2016, Ireland and Spain both broke their national records for time spent by a newly elected parliament to form its government: 70 days and 303. In 2017, the Netherlands did the same, 225. And now, in 2018, Germany does it as well, 161 days. Surely the lesson of Weimar is that majority rule is no good. Better an all-party coalition. That is, never let extremist parties get more power than their proportional due, like the Nazis in 1933 Germany, the Jewish Home in 2015 Israel, the DUP in 2016 UK, and the FPÖ in 2017 Austria. Just give them, including AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), their fair share. And then work in consensus. Extremists will soon tire. Others, like Sinn Féin, may well soften up.
Here's the latest graph showing various parliaments and the days they've taken to form their governments.
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