About us

I'm on my way to China again.  And here's the blog: https://deborda.substack.com/p/debordaabroad2


The de Borda Institute

aims to promote the use of inclusive, multi-optional and preferential voting procedures, both in parliaments/congresses and in referendums, on all contentious questions of social choice.

This applies specifically to decision-making, be it for the electorate in regional/national polls, for their elected representatives in councils and parliaments, for members of a local community group, a company board, a co-operative, and so on.  But we also cover elections.

               * * * * *

The Institute is named after Jean-Charles de Borda, and hence the well-known voting procedure, the Borda Count BC; but Jean-Charles actually invented what is now called the Modified Borda Count, MBC - the difference is subtle:

In a vote on n options, the voter may cast m preferences; and, of course, m < n.

In a BC, points are awarded to (1st, 2nd ... last) preferences cast according to the rule (n, n-1 ... 1) {or (n-1, n-2 ... 0)} whereas,

in an MBC, points are awarded to (1st, 2nd ... lastpreferences cast according to the rule (m, m-1 ... 1).

The difference can be huge, especially when the topic is controversial: the BC benefits those who cast only a 1st preference; the MBC encourages the consensual, those who submit not only a 1st preference but also their 2nd (and subsequent) compromise option(s) And if (nearly) every voter states their compromise option(s), an MBC can identify the collective compromise.


Inclusive voting app 



(The latest in a long-line of electronic voting for decision-making; our first was in 1991.)



The Institute was estabished in 1997 with a cash grant of £3,000 from the Joseph Rowntree Charitabe Trust, and has received the occasional sum from Northern Ireland's Community Relations Council and others.  Today it relies on voluntary donations and the voluntary work of its board, while most running expenses are paid by the director. 



"De Borda abroad." From Belfast to Beijing and beyond... and back. Starting in Vienna with the Sept 2017 TEDx talk, I give lectures in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Istanbul, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Tehran, Beijing, Tianjin, Xuzhou, Hong Kong and Taiwan... but not in Pyongyang. Then back via Mongolia (where I had been an election observer in June 2017) and Moscow (where I'd worked in the '80s).

I have my little fold-up Brompton with me - surely the best way of exploring any new city! So I prefer to go by train, boat or bus, and then cycle wherever in each new venue; and all with just one plastic water bottle... or that was the intention!

The story is here.

In Sept 2019, I set off again, to promote the book of the journey.  After the ninth book launch in Taipei University, I went to stay with friends in a little village in Gansu for the Chinese New Year.  The rat.  Then came the virus, lockdown... and I was stuck.


The Hospital for Incurable Protestants

The Mémoire of a Collapsed Catholic

 This is the story of a pacifist in a conflict zone, in Northern Ireland and the Balkans.  Only in e-format, but only £5.15.  Available from Amazon.




The director alongside the statue of Jean-Charles de Borda, capitaine et savant, in l’École Navale in Brest, 24.9.2010. Photo by Gwenaelle Bichelot. 

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Welcome to the home page of the de Borda Institute, a Northern Ireland-based international organisation (an NGO) which aims to promote the use of inclusive voting procedures on all contentious questions of social choice. For more information use the menu options above or feel free to contact the organisation's headquarters. If you want to check the meaning of any of the terms used, then by all means have a look at this glossary.

As shown in these attachments, there are many voting procedures for use in decision-making and even more electoral systems.  This is because, in decision-making, there is usually only one outcome - a singe decision or a shopping ist, a prioritisation; but with some electoral systems, and definitely in any proportional ones, there can be several winners.  Sometimes, for any one voters' profile - that is, the set of all their preferences - the outcome of any count may well depend on the voting procedure used.  In this very simple example of a few voters voting on just four options, and in these two hypothetical examples on five, (word document) or (Power-point) in which a few cast their preferences on five options, the profiles are analysed according to different methodologies, and the winner could be any one of all the options.  Yet all of these methodologies are called democratic!  Extraordinary!

« 2023-1 The Ecologist | Main | 2022-14 Ukraine (see also 2022-5 and '22-2) »

2022-15 China (see also 2021-18)

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Newsletter of the Global Think Tank Network for Democracy Studies 

  (October 9th, 2022)


l Global efforts for peace and prosperity needed  

Updated: Sep 26, 2022  


The more severe and complex the international situation becomes, the more urgent it is for countries to maintain communication and interaction. That the Chinese delegation was one of the busiest ones among all the delegations on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week has demonstrated China's strong sense of responsibility as a major country.

The Chinese delegation, headed by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, participated in more than 40 bilateral and multilateral activities, some of which it organized.

l Seminar highlights spirit of harmony in diversity

Updated: Sep 27, 2022


Leading scholars and officials around the world have called on nations to respect the diversity of human civilization, uphold the spirit of harmony in diversity, and follow the path of exchanges and mutual learning based on equality, dialogue, and inclusiveness.

They made the urge at an online international seminar hosted by the United Nations Association of China on Tuesday, in parallel to the 51st Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Wang Chao, president of Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs and president of UNA-China, addressed the seminar titled "Promote Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations, Build an Open and Inclusive World".

Wang stressed that mutual respect and equality should be upheld, and global human rights governance should be promoted based on respecting differences among civilizations.

He called upon nations to stick to exchanges and integration to promote mutual progress, adhere to integrity and innovation to keep pace with the times, pursue peace and development through dialogue among civilizations and promote people-to-people exchanges.

"There is no superior or inferior path to human rights, only its own characteristics. People of all countries have the right to independently choose the path of human rights development best suited to their national conditions," he said.

"The Chinese people have never accepted the logic that a strong country is bound to seek hegemony. Instead, they advocate that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community and participate in international affairs on an equal footing," he added.

China has provided the international community with public goods such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, and China adheres to the common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom for mankind, he said.


I. Opinions: 

Su Changhe, State symbiosis: seeking a new model of international political civilization

Updated: Sep 20, 2022


State symbiosis also considers how nations can better cooperate in an increasingly interdependent world and therefore promote global governance. There are many obstacles to international cooperation, among which confrontational institutional system within countries have long been neglected, while it has a negative impact on multilateralism, global governance, and how international cooperation agreements are implemented. The confrontational system is largely due to the propaganda and diplomatic promotion of Western politics. It has been regarded as a democratic system for quite a long time in the past, but we need to reflect on this system in the 21st century. We now see more and more cooperative organizations and global governance arrangements are impaired by partisan politics within certain important countries. The US is a typical case in point, with growing doubts about whether its domestic confrontational system can provide definitive support for global governance commitments.

l Josef Gregory Mahoney, Whole process democracy is real democracy

Updated: 05-Dec-2021


The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel asserted there are special human values that are transhistorical ideals that orient our senses of justice and progress. He called these "concrete universals," and while many debates which values specifically deserve the label, most would agree that democracy is one of them.

l Sun Zhaoyang, China's view of democracy: Democracy is for people's well-being 

Updated: 08-Dec-2021


Democracy as a concept is void of meaning if it's abstract, supra-class, or supra-history. There should not be an eternal or universal view of democracy in the world. Democracy can be only found in ever-evolving common values under a concrete or historical context.


II. Journals:

l Global Law Review(5-2022)


l Chinese Review of International Law(4-2022)



III. Book:

Peter Emerson, The Punters' Guide to Democracy(Forthcoming)

The Punters' Guide to Democracy (Springer, Heidelberg)  --  argues that western democracy is now entering a most dangerous phase, what with the likes of Trump, Bolsonaro and so on.  Originally, democracy was meant to be for everybody, not just a 'winner', (even if that victor had won a majority).  Sadly, and dangerously I would argue, politics has become very adversarial, and many democracies are now under the rule of 'one-man' minorities, that which the English Lord, Lord Hailsham, called 'elected dictatorships.' 


VI. Conferences:

l The Sub-forum on “Multilateralism and Global Human Rights Governance“ of “2022 Beijing Human Rights Forum“ Held in Beijing

Updated: 29 July, 2022


The 2022 Beijing Human Rights Forum, co-hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD), opened at the Beijing Conference Center on July 26. The forum, which took "Working Together towards Fairer, More Equitable, Reasonable and Inclusive Global Human Rights Governance" as its theme, was divided into five parallel sub-forums. Among them, the fourth sub-forum, themed "Multilateralism and Global Human Rights Governance", was hosted by CASS Center for Human Rights Studies. The sub-forum was attended by more than 40 representatives from over 15 countries, including Mr. Tang Xianwen, Secretary General of CSHRS, Professor Chen Guoping, Secretary of the Joint Party Committee of CASS Institute of Law and CASS Institute of International Law, Professor Mo Jihong, Director of CASS Institute of Law and Director of CASS Center for Human Rights Studies, Mr. Li Xiaojun, Deputy Secretary General of CSHRS, Professor Liu Huawen, Executive Director of CASS Center for Human Rights Studies and Deputy Director of CASS Institute of International Law, and Professor Xie Zengyi, Deputy Director of CASS Center for Human Rights Studies and Deputy Director of CASS Institute of Law.


l International symposium held to promote the theoretical innovation of Marxism

Updated: 29 July, 2022


To promote the exchanges of Marxist theory among China, Italy and Switzerland, an international symposium was held on July 24 with the attendance of over 20 experts and scholars from China, Italy, and Switzerland.

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