2023-16 The HOUSE of LORDS

On 6th June, Lord Desai invited and Jessica Metheringham (of Unlock Democracy) chaired presentations in the House of Lords by Prof. Don Saari, University of California, and I on "Preferential decision-making."
1 Politics is the art of compromise; preferential voting is its science.
2 As in the COP talks, cooperation is best achieved, not with majority voting. A better way would be inclusive preference points voting - the Modified Borda Count MBC.
3 AI could be used/abused by domestic and/or foreign operators to influence the democratic process; we need therefore more sophisticated (and accurate) voting procedures - in elections, PR-STV (or QBS); in decision-making, both in referendums and parliamentary votes, the MBC.
See also 2023-18, the presentation; the power-point is also available.