2023-14 NI local council elections - May 18th

NI elections - local, Assembly and Westminster - do not comply with international standards. In most OSCE-related elections (and I've observed over 20 of them, from Bosnia in 1996 to Mongolia in 2017), on polling day party agents/observers are not allowed:
+ to campaign; or
+ to get any access to the marked register.
Here in NI, however, in some instances, the voter first has to get through a gauntlet of activists at the entrance. Next, inside the polling station, the voter may first meet a party agent. Even if it's only for a 'whad-about-yer?' this is unacceptable. The voter's ID number on the electoral register is then announced to all and sundry, which is horrible, but it's legal... here. Nowhere else. Not even in Russia. Later, the party agent sometimes passes data on who has not yet voted to the activists outside, who then drive off to round up any 'stragglers'. This is only dreadful, and unique to NI. Passing this data outisde is actually illegal, even here, but it was happening in 2003, when the OSCE complained about it. And in 2022, it was still happening! Horrible: the voters are told how to vote; furthermore, if (SF) need be, the sick and the elderly are dragged to the polling station... ballot fodder. In all, the conduct of our elections is quite inappropriate for a former conflict zone, for any democracy... See also 2023-9 and 2023-17.