2024-14 The Threat of AI

The worst electoral system in the world - “Candidate X, yes or no?” - is in North Korea.
The most manipulable is the binary - “X or Y?” - as (almost) in the US, where the dangers of AI are huge.
Next, also Orwellian, is FPTP, as in India and UK.
Then comes any single preference procedure, like the list-PR in The Netherlands.
Multi-candidate systems - the PR-list system in Switzerland, AV in Australia and PR-STV (RCV) in Ireland - are less vulnerable.
Some countries have tried a less- or even non-sectarian system: e.g., the ‘minimum-three-preference’ version of AV in Papua New Guinea, and the non-religious version of FPTP in Lebanon.
In contrast to them all is the late
Professor Sir Michael Dummett’s
Quota Borda System QBS.
This colour-blind procedure encourages the voters to be inclusive, each to cast a full slate of candidates; for those in a conflict zone, each to treat the democratic process as an integral part of the peace process, each in casting their ballot to perform an individual act of reconciliation.
In a six-seater constituency,
(A) the voter may cast up to six preferences;
+ he who casts only his 1st preference gets his favourite 1 point;
+ she who casts two preferences gets her favourite 2 points, (and her 2nd choice 1 point);
and so on. So:
+ those who cast all six preferences get 6 points for their favourite, 5 for their 2nd choice, etc.
(B) + as in PR-STV, no one party (or ethno-religious faction) best nominates six candidates (lest it splits its vote).
(C) + six candidates shall be elected, those on a good score of top preferences and then those on a good score of points.
NB a 1st preference is always a 1st preference but, as in (A), the points may vary, but QBS is unbiased: a voter’s (x)th preference always gets 1 point more than their (x+1)th preference, regardless of whether or not they have cast that (x+1)th preference.
In effect, parties are encouraged to campaign, and voters are encouraged to vote, across the gender gap, the party divide, and (in conflict zones) even the sectarian chasm. When countered by such sophistication - (mathematically, QBS is simpler than STV) - AI would be less effective.
PS PR-STV allows the voters to be non-sectarian; QBS actually encourages them to be so.