2024-30 Christmas

"Love one another," we are told from the pulpit. "Vote ('for' or) 'against' each other, they say at the hustings. But nothing in politics is binary, not if the question is asked properly: 'hanging, yes-or-no?' is best replaced by 'how best does society deal with the convicted murderer?'
Would life be better if everyone were to vote 'with' each other: on a ballot of say 5 options, (as befits a 5-party parliament), stating in oder of preference what they admire/like/tolerate, so to identify, at best, the option with the highest average preference. And an average involves everyone, of course: the methodology is inclusive, literally.
Politics is the art of compromise. Preferential voting is its science. And democracy should be for everyone, not just a faction. It should be win-win: a few might win everything, many will win much, most wii get something... and preferential decision-making could spell the end of majority rule.
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Maybe the ancient Greeks got it wrong. Maybe "the non-duality of right and wrong... is the state of a Buddha." (Longchenpa.)